Canadian First Aid Courses in Fort McMurray

If you’re looking for a training program for first aid that is available in Fort McMurray, Alberta, look no further than Fort McMurray First Aid. Fort McMurray First Aid holds classes throughout the week, including evenings and weekends for more popular classes. You can get certified by St Mark James very easily with Fort McMurray First Aid.

Signing up

First Aid and CPR Rescue Techniques
Canadian First Aid Courses in Fort McMurray

You can find a complete list of available classes, rates, and schedules on the Fort McMurray website. A registration form is also available on the website. After choosing a class, students can use the registration form or send an e-mail or call to sign up.


Fort McMurray First Aid offers very affordable rates for all available classes. Rates are paid in full during enrolment and are inclusive of taxes, certificates, and St Mark James training manuals. Full refunds are given to students who drop out, provided a 72-hour notice is given.

Available classes

Classes on first aid cover a variety of different topics that teach students to recognize and react to emergency situations. Some topics discussed in the classes are listed below.

  • Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR)
  • Automated external defibrillation (AED)
  • Wound care
  • Emergency medical services (EMS) system
  • Conditions/injuries that affect circulation and breathing

Stand-alone classes for CPR/AED are also available, in three levels (A, C, and HCP). The levels are 4, 5, and 6 hours long respectively.

Private instructors

Private instructors are available with hourly rates at Fort McMurray First Aid. They can be booked for training at home or for special events like conferences and outings. Just send an e-mail or telephone call to inquire about rates and schedules.


Pocket Mask Keychain
Pocket Mask Keychain

Certificates are awarded upon completion of a course. To pass, a student is required to have complete attendance, good skill demonstration, and at least 75 percent on the written exam. Wall mount certificates are available upon request.

The certificates are valid for three years and can be renewed through recertification programs. St Mark James standard first aid recertification is 8 hours long, held twice a week, and inclusive of CPR level C or HCP recertification.

Did You Know?

Hypothermia: high risk individuals

When core body temperature drops to 35 C/95 F, a person’s normal body mechanisms to regulate temperature start to fail. This is called hypothermia. A person may experience shivering, changes in level of consciousness, and mental confusion. Individuals who are the highest risk to develop hypothermia are very young children, lean adults and people with impaired mental function (those afflicted with Alzheimer’s, intoxication). Nutrition, cardiovascular disease, and hypothyroidism also affect the body’s ability to regulate temperature.