Canadian First Aid Courses in Kelowna

First Aid and CPR Training courses in Kelowna
First Aid and CPR Training courses in Kelowna

Several first aid and CPR providers are available in the Okanagan Valley. The largest most popular and lowest priced provider is Kelowna First Aid. Participants that enrol in first aid and CPR training will learn about heart attacks, angina, broken bones, fractures, head injuries, seizures, poisonings, concussions, deadly bleeding, internal bleeding, puncture wounds, flail chest, dislocations, bandaging, fever’s, infections and many more topics. Customers may register for on-line safety training, food safe level 1 courses, WorkSafe BC approved occupational first aid training, stand-alone CPR courses, private programs, re-certifications and babysitting training. One and two day courses are available. Certification is valid for 3 years throughout Canada. To register for a Canadian workplace approved first aid course in Kelowna use the contact information posted below.

First Aid and CPR Training Location in Kelowna
First Aid and CPR Training Location in Kelowna

How To Register

To register for a course with this provider you can contact them via the following details:

Friendly customer service representatives can help with registration and questions. This training facility is located near the centre of Kelowna along Harvey Ave. Lots of amenities and restaurants are located nearby as well plenty of parking. 

Video on Importance of First Aid Training

Why enrol at Kelowna First Aid?

Top 10 Reasons to register with Kelowna First Aid:

CPR training in Kelowna
CPR training is available in Kelowna
    1. No other provider in the Okanagan Valley provides higher volume and a larger selection of workplace and WorkSafe BC
    2. This provider offers the lowest prices in Kelowna for its courses
    3. Registration is incredibly easy with several options available to customers including registration by telephone, email, on-line, chat or in-person. Customer service staff are knowledgeable and able to help select the course you need
    4. Re-certification courses are available for participants that want to renew expiring awards. They are offered at least twice per week
    5. If a student does not complete the course the first time after attending he or she can re-take the course one time at no extra cost.
    6. All prices shown on the website include St Mark James fees and material / certification fees. No surprises or hidden fees.
    7. Private courses are available for groups, companies and businesses. An instructor can come to you or the class can be held at the Kelowna training centre
    8. A wide range of first aid services are available including first aid attendant rentals, supplies, re-stocking, consulting and on-line training
    9. The training centre is centrally located along Harvey and provides free parking and great access to public transit. Several restaurants are located nearby to provide students a great place for lunch or dinner after class
    10. Teachers are friendly, knowledgeable and certified through either a workplace approved training provider or WorkSafe BC.

Register with the best provider in the Okanagan Valley today.

Get a head start on your training today!

Did You Know?


The typically black-eye often seen in fist fights and abuse cases are caused by trauma to the tissue which causes bleeding underneath the skin. The vessel break and cause the blood to leak around the tissue giving a person a bruise. These bruises or black-eyes are dangerous and can be causes by fractures of the bone due to the trauma. See a doctor immediately if you have one, especially on the face or on the head.

To learn more about managing wounds and other severe injuries enrol in St Mark James first aid courses in Kelowna, B.C.