Remedy for chafing

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Chafing occurs when the skin rubs repeatedly against other skin or clothing where it becomes red, irritated and painful. This condition becomes worse with sweating and being overweight. The friction increases with heat, humidity, excessive pressure, dryness and cold.

Chafing can occur anywhere in the body such as the nipples, thighs, groins, underarm and neck which are very susceptible to this condition. People performing exercises, overweight and with sensitive skin are susceptible to this condition.

Symptoms of chafing

  • Sore patches, red marks, rashes, discomfort and burning sensation
  • The affected area stings when in contact with water.
  • Chafing is very unpleasant and can result to a broken skin which increases the risk of infections and complications.


Sore patches, red marks, rashes, discomfort and burning sensation
  • Apply a cold compress on the affected area as soon as possible after the injury to lessen the redness and irritations. Prepare an ice pack by storing ice cubes in a plastic bag and wrap with a thin towel or cloth and place on the affected area for at least 5 minutes several times every day for a few days. Avoid applying ice directly on the skin to prevent frostbite and making the condition worse.
  • Open an aloe vera leaf and scrape out the gel and apply it on the skin for 2-3 times every day. Another way is mix ΒΌ cup of aloe vera juice, a cup of green tea and 10 drops of lavender essential oil. Place the solution in a spray bottle and spray it on the affected area 2 times every day. Aloe vera calms the irritated skin and the glycoprotein found in aloe vera lessens the pain and inflammation while the polysaccharides stimulates the repair of the skin cells and for fast healing of the condition.
  • Oatmeal cleans, moisturizes and relieves chafing. In a bathtub filled with warm water, mix 1 to 2 cups of oatmeal powder well until the oatmeal is fully dissolved. Soak the body in the solution for at least 20-30 minutes. Rinse off using lukewarm water and pat dry the skin. Perform this procedure once every day and avoid scrubbing the affected skin
  • Baking soda minimizes the itchiness and pain caused by chafed skin. It also reduces the risk of infection. Mix 1-part baking soda and 3 parts water and add a few drops of lavender oil. Mix and apply the mixture on the affected area for at least for 5 minutes. Rinse it off using cool water. Repeat this once every day for a few days. Avoid leaving baking soda on the skin for an extended period to prevent the condition from worsening.


  • Before going out, be sure to stay dry by applying talcum and alum powder to areas that sweats a lot.
  • Apply petroleum jelly to minimize friction on the skin. You can lessen chafing on the nipples by applying petroleum jelly, tape or patches to minimize friction.
  • When performing exercises, wear moisture-wicking clothes such as those made from synthetic fibers and properly fit. Avoid wearing cotton clothes.

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