Getting rid of varicose veins

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Varicose veins are swelling and enlarged veins that usually look blue or dark purple on the legs. They also appear lumpy, twisted or bulging. Varicose veins develop when small valves found inside the veins stop working properly and the flow of blood accumulates in the veins.

Symptoms of varicose veins

  • Varicose veins looks dark purple or blue in color
  • The veins are twisted and bulging
    Varicose veins
    Pain becomes severe especially with prolonged sitting or standing.
  • Achy or heavy feeling in the legs
  • Itchines around the veins
  • Bleeding from varicose veins
  • Burning, throbbing, swelling and muscle cramps in the lower legs
  • Pain becomes severe especially with prolonged sitting or standing
  • A painful cord in the vein and red discoloration of the skin


  • The veins lose elasticity and causes them to stretch when the person becomes older. The valves in the veins become weak, causing blood that should be moving toward the heart, flows backward. Blood accumulates in the veins causing them to enlarge.
  • Pregnancy will cause an increase of volume of blood in the body but reduce the flow of blood from the legs to the pelvis.
  • Congenital heart valve conditions
  • Menopause
  • Prolonged standing
  • Obesity
  • Pressure on the midsection of the body


  • Avoid keeping the legs in the same position for a prolonged time since it lessens the blood circulation in the area and result to accumulation of blood in the veins. Change position of the legs every 30 minutes to maintain proper blood circulation in the area. Another option is to take a walk, stretch the arms and legs every 30 minutes or more.
  • Elevate the legs while sitting to lessen the pressure placed on the blood vessels. Avoid crossing the legs to lessen pressure on the veins. Another option is raising the leg above the level of the heart.
  • Avoid wearing tight-fitting clothes and high-heeled shoes since they can cause the calf muscle to work more and increase flow of blood in the legs. Wear low-heeled shoes or flats instead.
  • Perform exercises regularly to improve blood circulation and muscle tone in the legs. Jog or take a walk for at least 30 minutes since it increases blood flow in the area especially in the legs.
  • Consume a low salt diet to lessen the amount of swelling in the legs. Eat foods rich in fiber such as whole grains that includes quinoa and rice. Bioflavonoids rich in berries, dark leafy vegetables, garlic and onions to keep the veins healthy.
  • Cessation of smoking and alcohol consumption.

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