Bleeding gums can be a symptom of a gum disease and other health conditions. Occasional bleeding of the gums can be caused by a vigorous brushing of the teeth and wearing ill-fitting dentures.
Frequent bleeding gums can also indicate a more serious condition such as leukemia, deficiency in vitamins and lack of clotting cells or platelets as well as periodontitis which is a severe form of gum disease.
Treatment for bleeding gums
- After brushing the teeth using a soft-bristled toothbrush, rub the gums using salt for a few seconds and then rinse it off using warm water at least once every day. When the gums are healthy, repeat this procedure at least 3 times every week to prevent recurrence. In a glass filled with lukewarm water, add ½ teaspoon of salt. Mix until the salt is dissolved. Use this solution in rinsing the mouth at least 2 times every day until the symptoms are reduced. Salt minimizes the growth of bacteria in the mouth and infections that causes other oral problems.
- Brush and floss the teeth at least for 3-5 minutes at 2 times every day.
- Massage the gums to promote proper circulation of blood in the area. Grip the gum between the thumb and index finger to massage thoroughly the top and bottom of the gums.
- Strengthen the bones of the jaw by eating foods rich in calcium such as salmon, dairy products, dark greens and almonds. Eat fruits high in vitamin C contents such as fresh citrus fruits and eat one raw vegetable every day. Fibrous foods can clean and stimulate the teeth and gums.
- Hydrogen peroxide has antibacterial properties that eliminates germs and promotes healthy gums. Mix 3% hydrogen peroxide solution with a glass of water, and swish the solution around the gums and teeth for at least 30 seconds and rinse off using warm water. Another alternative is mixing a teaspoon of baking soda with hydrogen peroxide to make a paste. Rub this paste on the gums and let it remain for at least a minute and then rinse off thoroughly with water. Use any of these remedies for at least 2-3 times every week.
- Mix baking soda with a few drops of water to create a paste. Rub it along the gum line using the fingers and then brush the teeth thoroughly. Baking soda cleans and polishes the teeth and neutralizes the acidic bacterial wastes in the gums.
- Extract gel from a fresh aloe vera leaf. Using a clean finger, rub the gel on the gums. Massage the bleeding gums for at least 1-2 minutes and rinse using warm water. Repeat the process several times every day until the condition improves.