Canadian First Aid Courses in Thunder Bay

Because of certification requirements by schools and workplaces, a number of training service providers offering certification programs have popped up in Thunder Bay. Thunder Bay First Aid offers the best certification programs in the Thunder Bay area, holding classes throughout the week, with popular classes available during evenings and weekends. Certification has never been this easy since Thunder Bay First Aid!

Contact Information

Offered Courses

St Mark James First Aid, CPR, and AED Training in Thunder Bay

Thunder Bay First Aid offers an extensive number of CPR (cardiopulmonary resuscitation) training courses. These courses last from 3 to 18 hours per week. Stand-alone CPR or combined first aid and CPR classes are also available.

  • Bag Valve Mask for First Aid Attendants
    Adult bag valve mask used to provide rescue breaths used in CPR HCP.

    Standard Childcare first aid

  • Standard first aid and CPR
  • Emergency Childcare CPR and first aid
  • Emergency first aid
  • Babysitting first aid and CPR
  • Basic Marine CPR and 1st aid
  • Cardiopulmonary resuscitation C
  • Cardiopulmonary resuscitation HCP
  • Cardiopulmonary resuscitation A

As you can see from the list above, CPR training courses are available in three levels. All levels include basic first aid and AED (automated external defibrillation) training. AEDs are machines that detect heart rhythms and apply shock to the heart.

Extra classes

Private classes are available for enrolment as well. Big groups of trainees and companies can choose a private class with a schedule at their discretion for CPR training.


Ear Head Pain
Apply the prescribed antibiotic eyedrops or ointment for the eye to prevent development of infection of the damaged cornea.

St Mark James training certificates are awarded to trainees who are able to complete and pass a training course. Trainees with expiring certificates can opt to enrol in refresher courses, held twice a week at Thunder Bay First Aid. Visit this provider’s website to ensure that you meet the required prerequisites prior to registering for a re-certification course.

Course rates

All classes are offered at the cheapest costs in Thunder Bay. Rates include taxes, certificates, St Mark James registration fees, and use of training manuals and equipment. No additional expenses aside from the initial enrolment fee are incurred during training.

Trainees are entitled to full refunds if they decide to drop out of a training course, provided a 72-hour notice is given.


Registration for CPR training courses at Thunder Bay First Aid is exceptionally easy. Students can send an e-mail or give a call to enrol. Walk-ins during business hours at any of the training centers are also highly encouraged.

The Thunder Bay First Aid website has a list of all available classes and rates, as well as an on-line registration form.

Training centers

Thunder Bay First Aid is dedicated to offering students the best training centers located across Thunder Bay.  The centers are easily accessible and are within walking distance to public and private transportation as well as restaurants and shops. The classrooms are equipped with the latest training AED trainers and mannequins.

Did You Know?

Heimlich maneuver for an unconscious victim

Choking hazards are incredibly dangerous because as air is blocked from entering the lungs, the tissues and organs in the body are not receiving any oxygen. As our cells don’t receive any oxygen, they begin to die, an irreversible process.  Here are a few steps on clearing an unconscious victim’s airway.

  • Place the victim on the floor or on a hard surface such as a table.
  • Open the victim’s mouth and use your finger to reach into the throat and try to dislodge it. Be very careful and try to avoid pushing the object further into the throat.
  • Begin CPR if the object or food cannot be removed. This can help propel the blockage out of the throat.

Enrol in a first aid course today!