Different Types of CPR Training

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Many people think of CPR training as one-time thing and something that isn’t too difficult or complicated. But you shouldn’t be surprised to know that there is not only one type of CPR, although the procedure is same but depending upon the victim it varies and this is very important thing to know. If you try same CPR procedure on every victim chances are those who fit to criteria or group might survive others will not. This article will focus on three important types of CPR training so you can understand the difference and importance as well.

1. CPR Infants and Children

You can find such courses from American Heart Association and St Mark James which train you on how to respond to infant and child emergencies. This type of training teaches you the difference between methods used in CPR for adults and infants and children such as mount-to-mouth and chest pumping methods which differ in these age groups. For instance, instead of using your hand’s heel, you have to use onlyyour fingertips while performinginfant CPR. This type of course is important for parents, babysitters and even caregivers and they understand that the infant and child bodies are too fragile to perform adult CPR techniques.Normally, this course’s training time period is around 9 hours.

2. CPR for Adults

These courses are frequently taught and are many common among many people. For instance, companies get their employees trained in performing adult CPR. There are many organizations which provide CPR training for adults; however AHA and St Mark James are well regarded for this purpose. It involves basic first aid techniques, mouth-to-mouth and chest pumping techniques for adults. It also trains people not to panic during certain emergency and gives them an idea when and how to use and AED (if it’s available)until trained help arrives. This training usually takes 6-7 hours.

3. CPR for Pets

This course might not be very popular among general population, but pet owners and people working in veterinary offices or clinics mostly take such courses. Although different animals might require different methods of CPR but for cats and dogs these methods are pretty much similar to those of human beings. This training lasts for 8 hours and also teaches other first aid tips for pets.

4. EMT and Health Provider CPR

As compared to normal people, health providers and first responders normally take more in-depth CPR classes which are also important to gain certain certifications as well. Apart from traditional CPR techniques, these courses also focus on use of AED and other medical devices. Rescue professionals also learn to conduct advanced CPR with partners as well as by themselves. Rescue workers also learn to apply bag valve masks and resuscitation masks. Normally, emergency responders have to take the classes again after a year and get re-certified. Such courses are important for people who are looking to make a career in healthcare.
These are some of the important, common yet different types of CPR.

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