While the first aid kit must be stored in a place that is easy to access, it must also remain out of reach for young kids to avoid the possibility of accidental ingestion of the supplies. For older children however, it is imperative that they are aware of the location of the kit. First aid kits are readily available at numerous chemists, but there are individuals who prefer to create their own kits using elemental supplies. Below are some of the basic things that your kit must have:
– Antibiotic cream
– Adhesive tape
– Antiseptic. Antiseptic tissues could also be used in place of the solution.
– Bandage strips that need to be available in varying sizes.
– Cold packs that may be used in an instant.
– Swabs
– Two or more pairs of disposable gloves
– Tape
– Gauze pads in different sizes
– A pair of tweezers. You could also include a pair of stainless steel scissors
– Saline water
– Safety pins
– A thermometer
– Hand sanitizer
– Plastic bags to dispose used supplies and contaminated material
– Cotton wool
– Bulb suction gadget to help clean wounds.
What are some of the medications that must be included in a first aid kit?
– Medication for diarrhea
– Anti-histamine drugs to be taken orally. Diphenhydramine is a good example of this.
– Analgesics including aspirin. Note that aspirin should not be administered to children
– Calamine lotion
– If need be, you may want to get injections to treat allergic attacks. There are different types of auto-injectors, so ensure that you choose the brand that will work perfectly for you.
Emergency supplies that must be included in your first aid kit
– Emergency contacts for the following people: the family physician, the pediatrician as well as the local poison centre.
– Include medical forms for each member of the family. These forms should contain updated information that includes the medical insurance details.
– In addition to this information, you must also include the medical history of each family member. This will go a long way in ensuring that a solid diagnostic foundation is laid.
– Sunscreen
– A manual that indicates the procedures for different first aid techniques.
Check on the supplies of your first aid kit regularly. Doing so every three months ensures that your supplies are available in the right quantity.