
Fact Checked

Vitiligo or leukoderma is a condition of skin caused by gradual loss of melanocytes. These are the cell that functions in producing melanin pigment in the layers of skin that result to irregular white patches.

The discomfort caused by vitiligo is intolerance to sunlight when a large area of skin is directly exposed to sunlight. Vitiligo is considered as a benign skin condition that will not cause physical harm.

Vitiligo can happen at any age, male or female and on any part of the body. Women are more susceptible to this condition than men. It usually affects the hands, neck, back and the wrist. Vitiligo can also affect areas such as the armpit, groin, genitals, eyes and nostrils.


  • Discoloration of the skin
  • Loss of color within the tissues that line the inside part of the mouth and nose or the mucous membranes
  • Loss or alteration in the color of the interior coating of the eyeball or the retina
    A generalized vitiligo causes discolored patches that spread similarly in corresponding parts of the body or symmetrically.
  • Early whitening or graying of the hair in the eyelashes, beard, scalp or eyebrows typically before an individual reaches 35 years old.
  • Discolored patches found around the armpits, navel, rectum and genitals.
  • A generalized vitiligo causes discolored patches that spread similarly in corresponding parts of the body or symmetrically.
  • Segmental vitiligo only affects one side or part of body which happens at a younger age then becomes severe for a year or two and then stops.
  • Localized or local vitiligo affects one or small areas of the body


  • The condition can be caused by heredity
  • A disorder which the immune system of the body attacks and damages the melanocytes in the skin.
  • Sunburn, being stressed and exposure to industrial chemicals


  • Protect the skin from exposure from the sun and artificial sources of ultraviolet light. You can utilize a broad-spectrum, water-resistance sunscreen with SPF of at least 30. Dab on sunscreen at least every 2 hours if swimming or perspiring a lot. Wear clothing that helps protect the skin from the sun.
  • Avoid getting a tattoo to prevent the development of a new patch of vitiligo in a week.
  • Rub a piece of papaya fruit on the patches, let it dry and then reapply again until the juice penetrates the skin. Drinking papaya juice every day helps to revive the melanin cells. Perform this remedy for several days to get the best results.
  • The copper content of red clay helps with the restoration of the pigmentation of the skin. Mix 2 tablespoons of red clay and mix it with one tablespoon of ginger juice, mix them well. Rub the mixture over the white patches every day. Ginger juice helps stimulate and promote proper circulation of blood to the area. Continuous use of this remedy helps restore the skin to its normal pigmentation.
  • Chop half a kilo of raw turmeric into small pieces and ΒΌ kilo of ginger, then mix them well together in a jar and then add the juice of 5 lemons and a pinch of salt. Shake the mixture well. The individual should take 2 teaspoons of this mixture before meals every day. Turmeric powder mixed with mustard oil can be rubbed on the white patches. Mustard oil is rubefacient which is applied to the skin and promotes an increased flow of blood in the area or vasodilation. Ginger helps stimulate and restore proper circulation of blood in the affected areas. Mustard oil and turmeric helps in reviving the melanin cells.

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