Eczema in the ears

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An itchy and festering ear can be caused by eczema which is a condition of the skin affecting adults, children and even infants. Eczema of the ears affects the ear lobes, skin that covers the folds of the exterior ear and the outside auditory canal which is the tube where sound travel to reach the middle ear.

In infants and small children, it causes irritability, discomfort and the urge to tug or grasp at the ears. Sometimes, eczema in the ears among infants just come and goes on its own but if it affects adults, it can be a chronic condition. Symptoms of eczema can vary from person to person.

Symptoms of eczema in the ears

  • There is redness of the ear with severe itchiness.
  • A constant urge to scratch
  • Eczema in the ear can happen in the outer part or in the inner ear canal.
  • The area around the ear is dry and parched and fluid oozes out from the affected area and becomes flaky and crust may develop.
  • The ear is painful and evidently swollen.
    Eczema in the ear
    The ear is painful and evidently swollen.


  • Eczema is an inherited condition. If a member is suffering from eczema on any part of the bod, there is a high risk of acquiring this condition.
  • Sometimes eczema is an autoimmune condition, often linked to allergies that causes irritation, itching and inflammation.
  • Contact allergy and food allergies can also cause eczema in ears such as eggs, fish, nut, and milk products.
  • Eczema in ears can also be caused by allergy to nickel due to ear piercing.


  • Moisturize the ears using Vaseline to prevent dryness that causes itchiness and irritation. Another way is applying coconut oil on the affected areas on the ear which is a good moisturizer.
  • Avoid exposure to dry air to prevent making the skin drier and causing severe itchiness.
  • Clean the ears using warm water before applying a moisturizer. Simply use an ear bud if infection is inside the ears. Take note that an ear bud can be used but be gentle when using it.
  • Mix oatmeal with a few drops of water to become a paste and then apply it on the affected area to minimize the inflammation and irritation as well as reducing the itchiness.
  • Apply raw honey to keep the skin hydrated and it has antibacterial properties that prevents a secondary bacterial infection caused by constant scratching.
  • Apply Vitamin E oil to the ears since it hydrates the skin and promotes fast healing of the condition. Apply vitamin oil at least several times every day for fast healing of the area.
  • Take the prescribed Vitamin C supplement at least 2-4 times every day.
  • Clean regularly all surfaces of the house to prevent dust mites. A person who is allergic to dust mites is susceptible to eczema.

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