Frozen shoulder

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Frozen shoulder or adhesive capsulitis is a condition characterized by rigidity and pain in the joint of the shoulder. The symptom gradually happens and eventually becomes worse over time and heals within 1-3 years. A high risk of developing the condition is while recuperating from a condition or procedure that limits the movement of the arm such as stroke or a mastectomy.

Frozen shoulder causes severe pain and inflammation in the shoulder caused by injury to the ligaments of the shoulders as well as the neighboring tissues. This can be caused by injury, lifting of heavy objects, issues with the thyroid, diabetes and diminished fluid inside the shoulder joint. The condition varies from one person to another and can be considered as a serious condition and triggers pain and entails special care.

Causes of frozen shoulder

  • Suffering from hormonal imbalance, a weak immune system and diabetes puts an individual at risk for inflammation of the joint.
  • Long periods of inactivity caused by injury, illness or surgery


Frozen shoulder
Apply alternately a warm and cold pack on the affected shoulder.

The development of frozen shoulder progresses in 3 stages and each can last for several months.

  • The first stage is the freezing stage where the mobility of the shoulder result to pain and limited range of motion.
  • The second stage is where pain starts to lessen, but the affected shoulder becomes stiff and movement becomes more difficult.
  • The last stage or third stage is characterized by the improvement in the range of movement.

For some people, the pain is very severe at night and can sometimes disrupt sleep.

How frozen shoulder is managed

  • Apply alternately a warm and cold pack on the affected shoulder. First, apply an ice pack on the shoulder for at least 5-10 minutes to lessen inflammation and pain. This should be followed by a warm compress on the affected shoulder to lessen the swelling and promote fast healing of the area. Perform this remedy 4-5 times every day. Avoid applying ice directly on the skin to help prevent frostbite and making the condition worse.
  • Massage the affected shoulder using mustard oil at least 4 times every day. Mustard helps increase the strength of the muscles of the shoulder and also lessens the swelling and pain in the joint.
  • Make a paste using turmeric powder. The curcumin which is an anti-inflammatory compound found in turmeric helps lessen pain, swelling and inflammation of the affected shoulder. Turmeric also strengthens the muscles of the shoulder. Apply the turmeric paste on the affected shoulder regularly for best results.
  • Garlic has an anti-inflammatory ingredient that minimizes the inflammation, swelling and pain of the shoulder muscles. Massage the affected shoulder using garlic oil for relief.
  • Apple cider vinegar is anti-inflammatory in nature and lessens pain, inflammation and swelling. Consume apple cider vinegar every day for relief from frozen shoulder.

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